Tips For Giving An Impressive
Maid Of Honor Wedding Speech
As the Maid of Honor you also have a chance to stand up and
give a thoughtful Maid of Honor wedding speech, in addition to planning
the never-to-be-forgotten Bachelorette party.
You were selected because you mean a lot to the bride, so honor her by
delivering a moving speech.
"How do I do that?” you ask? Well, in addition to the general rules for
wedding speech,
there are a few things to keep in mind.
1) You probably know the
bride really well and have seen her go through many things in life. Use
this as inspiration.
2) Your chance to speak will most likely come after the Best Man. Try
to keep your speech short and sweet so you don't lose everyone's
3) Write from the heart. If you get stuck, just think about why the
bride is important to you.
Below is a basic outline to start with:
Introduce yourself since everyone might not know who you are, and thank
them for attending. If it is your style, you can insert a quote or joke
at this point to get everyone's attention.
It is also a nice touch to address the groom with a compliment or
light-hearted joke.
Now is the time to dig up any funny dating or other stories from high
school or college. However, remember the golden rule - Do not tell a
story that is inappropriate or overly embarrassing. Now is not the time
to talk about all those one night stands the bride had in college,
especially if the groom is unaware of them!
You can also tell your version of how they met and fell in love. What
were your observations? You have seen it all, and many times your
version can be quite humorous.
At the end of the speech, congratulate the couple, add a witty joke or
quote and lift your glass for the toast. Take a big drink - you just
successfully gave an impressive performance!
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