Bridal Shower Planning
Bridal Shower Planning
My daughter doesn't want me (her mother) involved in the wedding plans. My question is am I still supposed to give her a bridal shower? I would appreciate any help you could give me in this manner. I do not want to do the wrong thing.
Our ThoughtsBridal shower planning is traditionally led by the maid or matron of honor with the help of the bridesmaids and mother of the bride.
We would recommend reaching out to your daughter's maid/matron of honor to let her know that you would like to be a part of the planning. Work with her on what parts you can help out with or take on completely.
We have seen some mothers get really involved in the planning, and others that just offer their financial support. It really depends on how involved you want to be and how much time and financial assistance you are able to provide.
To Your Wedding!
Danielle & Stephen
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